Japanese Facial Massage Pic

Japanese Facial Massage uses a profound combination of Eastern rejuvenation techniques to revitalise the skin, by diminishing physical signs of stress and energy imbalance, enhancing general wellbeing.

Most Western treatments just work on the facial muscles to relax and refresh the tissues. The Japanese approach utilises a blend of modern facial methods with traditional Eastern hand manipulation techniques and stimulates new cell growth improving skin radiance, tones facial muscles helping to prevent fine lines, removes toxins imbedded in the skin and redistributes vital energy throughout the body by working with the facial meridian and specific acupressure points.

Japanese Facial Massage includes cleansing, moisturising and energising the face with hand blended natural products. A deluxe version includes your own precious recipe of exotic oils blended specific for your skin, together with a lavender and manuka honey mask. A course of treatments will help to enrich the texture of the skin enhancing a smoother appearance whilst promoting good health and well-being - a natural face lift!